Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Intangibles

Soccer/Futbol is a team sport in which the intangibles matter a whole lot more than people think.  We see Ronaldo and Messi pretty much do whatever they want to their opposition and start to think the best teams are just made up of the best individual players....NOT TRUE.

 There are so many things happening on a soccer field at the same time.  Just watch a game and try not to focus on the ball, you'll see! Successful teams move as one, attack and defend as a group and have good spoken and unspoken communication.

I was an assistant coach at my high school alma mater last year. Prior to the start of the season I spent some time with my good friend Alecko reflecting on our high school soccer days in hope of finding some key advice to offer the team.  Alecko said to me "be sure to make it clear that 11 players do not win championships, every championship team I've been on since high school had 11 brothers on the field at all times no matter who was coming off the bench".  This is what I'm talking about!  Yes your Barcelonas and Manchester Uniteds have some of the best players in the world but there are plenty of teams who have similar players.  It comes down to how well the players and coaches relate to each other, work hard for each other, motivate and support each other.

Is your team a "team" or a group of individuals?  If it's the latter, try working on creating a better training atmosphere, team building activities, hang out more, eat together more, talk pop culture, gain insight and perspective from each other, believe in each other...you'll be amazed at how some of these things can lead to greater on field success. 


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